Because filenum will always be less than filecount, the integer division filenum/ filecount will always produce zero, so each iteration of the loop will echo 由于filenum始终小于filecount,整数除法filenum/filecount将始终生成0,因此每次迭代循环都将生成
To make the filter true for every third event, we'll use the fact that the result of the function is an integer and we can use the Business Events integer division functions div and mod. 要使该筛选器在每当发生第三个事件时求值为True,我们将利用该函数的结果为整数的事实,并且我们可以使用BusinessEvents整除函数div和mod。
It's doing integer division. 这是整数的除法。
Integer division truncates, rather than rounds, the result. 整数除法会直接砍掉小数,而不是进位。
As an example, this is a function to return both parts of an integer division 作为例子,这个函数将返回整数除法的两个部分
IF In that next expression, I'm actually taking advantage of the fact that I'm doing integer multiplication and division here. ,在下一个表达式中,实际上我利用了,做了是整数,乘除法的优势。
A method of integer division using floating-point division is introduced in this paper. 本文提出一种用浮点除法来实现整数除法的方法。
The RPC server attempted an integer division by zero. RPC服务器试图以零除整数。
Raised when a program issues an integer division by0. 当程序提出一个整数除0时产生。
In such cases, integer division and modulus operations are performed in software& something to think about if you're designing a hash table or doing lots of math. 这种情况下,整型除法和求模运算是通过软件实现的,就像当你设计Hash表,或是做大量的算术那样。
Implementation of Very Long Integer Arithemetic Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division with C Language 用C语言实现超长整数的加减乘除四则运算
According to the requirements of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms 'VLSI implementation, this paper presents a novel very long integer division algorithm based on the SD ( signed digit) number representation. The implementation logic of the SD division unit is discussed in detail. 针对公钥密码算法VLSI实现需要,本文在介绍SD数据表示的基础提出了一种新的大数除法算法,并给出了其VLSI实现逻辑结构。
A Method of Integer Division by Using Floating-point Division 一种用浮点除实现整除的方法
Healing process used many methods such as integer, division, microscope with heating stage. 在本文中,愈合处理采用了整体愈合、剖分愈合及高温显微镜下原位加热愈合等方法。
High-Performance VLSI Implementation of Very Long Integer Division Based on the SD Number Representation 基于SD数据表示的大数除法VLSI高速实现
In this paper, we introduce several algorithms of integer addition, substraction, multiplication and division with linkage record in FoxPro based on the memory power of database. 利用数据库的存储能力,在FoxPro中,给出了几个整数加、乘和除运算的连接记录的算法,改进了文献[1]中的结果,使任意位大整数的数学四则运算得以实现。
We define an extended class of integer linear first-order logic formula, which supports most integer linear and bit-wise expressions in C programs including integer division, integer modular and bit-wise operation. 我们定义了一类整数线性一阶逻辑判定公式,此类判定公式支持C程序中常用的整数线性运算。我们优化了判定过程,并扩充了对整数除法、取余和位运算的支持。
Tokyo version of the layout of certain knowledge point should be adjusted appropriately ( integer multiplication and division of the interval should not be too long). 东京版某些知识点的编排应该适当调整(比如,整数乘法与除法的间隔时间不宜过长)。
There are no float-point operation and no integer multiplication and division, while the coding performance is maintained. So the computational complexity is greatly reduced. 对传统的算术编码进行改进,在保持编码性能的情况下,没有浮点运算,也没有整数乘除法,从而大大降低了运算复杂度。